Cataclysm New Raid Dungeons - Video Preview
WoW's Cataclysm Expansion Facts from Blizzard's Cory Stockton
Speaking of expansions, there is much fuss over the already now public news of Cataclysm – the new World of Warcraft expansion. According to Blizzard there are going to be changes that will affect the entire game. One of the most anticipated upgrades is the additions of two new races but from Blizzard they say that will only be the tip of the iceberg.
Here are some question and answers from Blizzard front-man Cory Stockton: (courtesy of Wired.com)
Wired.com: There were a lot of leaks this year: the name and the two new races for the Cataclysm expansion hit the internet before BlizzCon. Do you think Blizzard is becoming more careless or is it just harder to keep a secret?
Cory Stockton: I think we’re just getting bigger is the issue. When you have 4,000 people in this world-wide company, I think it’s just hard for things to stay secret as much as we were able to do it in the past. A lot of people have access to a lot of information in the team in order to keep the product up to date since we have to ship patches so quickly. I think that makes it harder to keep things as secure as we would like. Definitely lessons learned though from this, for sure.
Wired.com: We won’t be able to go back to old world content post-Cataclysm. So what does this mean for new players? And what about players who don’t buy Cataclysm?
Stockton: Everyone’s going to get (the world changes of) Cataclysm no matter what. You can be on vanilla WoW. You can be on Burning Crusade (expansion), on Northrend (in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion). No matter what it is, all of the changes to the level 1 to 60 zones will be patched down to everyone. Now granted, that’s going to be a large patch, but everyone will get that content and be able to quest using existing races and classes. You could level up through that just like normal. That’s just going to be part of (patch) 4.0.
Wired.com: For people who are nostalgic for the old world before Cataclysm, is there going to be some way to revisit Azeroth as it was before?
Stockton: I think that’s what Caverns of Time is for. We’ll definitely have the ability to do that kind of stuff, but we are also going to do a huge world event leading up to the Cataclysm. Some time after patch 3.3 and after (the Lich King) Arthas is defeated, you’ll definitely see a giant world event that affects the Alliance and the Horde very, very much. It’s going to change everything for them. It’s probably going to last something like a month. Something similar to the zombie invasion before Northrend. It will be something that will roll out slowly over time. But we are planning to do a huge world event, so everyone will know the Cataclysm is coming.
5 World of Warcraft Tips for Beginners
Okay, so you know when you are in very deep water and that fatigue meter comes up, right?
Well if you dont want it to go down and you to drown then... find a landmass and ram your head
straight into it. The fatigue meter will dissapear and you will be okay for the next few seconds.
2. Boost Mining Skills Quickly:
As you know at some points mining gets kinda annoying tryin to get your level high enough to
mine the good stuff. Theres a pretty easy way to get some fast mining xp. Theres a cave in NE
arathi highlands filled with kobolds and such. Also there is a quest from booty bay which
involves mining lesser bloodstone ores from the mines.
These things require 100 mining skill but
they actually give you xp for mining them!. There is about 4-5 lesser bloodstone deposits in the
cave and they respawn every 10 minutes i believe. I went in there at about 150 mining skill and
mined till my skill was 175 so i could start getting mithril which sells for a great amount. Its
probably possible to go even higher in mining from the lesser bloodstone ores.
Then after i had all that bloodstone ore i went back to booty bay and sold the ore to lazy people(or people who
couldnt mine)for 30-50s each. Great way to make some cash and level up your mining without
having to run around lookin for mines
3. Break Stealth or Vanish with Engineering:
If you happen to get jumped by a Rogue and he runs off mid-fight to vanish and regroup/heal,
simply summon a Gnomish Battle Chicken(230 Engineering) - it will automatically find him,
stealth or not. For some reason the Chicken ignores stealth, and goes after your attacker.
4. Cooks and Blacksmiths Tip:
For all you wannabe cooks and blacksmiths out there, here's a little trick you may not know!
In most towns/inns you'll come across those seemingly pointless bedrooms with the nice beds,
large mounted pighead on the wall and cozy fire.
Well guess what? That fire can be used as a forge or a fire to cook your food! So stop wasting
money on wood and striking up your flint. Just head into an inn or random home and look for a
fireplace. Cuts down on the costs of crafting by a decent amount! Saving 50 copper each
crafting session may not seem like a ton of cash, but over time it certainly adds up!
5. Desolace - Max Ranged Attack Easily:
The bug where you can shoot mobs that cant fight back where you dont get any range weapon
skill is not fixed!!
While I was down in Desolace today with my warrior and tried to pull a Satyr from the top of a
ruin that was towards the western mountain range, I was surprise to see that I kept missing but
my skills continued to rise.
So if you wanna go max out a new range weapon, head on over to Desolace and cap it out.
Didnt take me long to cap out my gun this way.
Level 1-60 Secret Tip for Gold Making

The Dark Moon Faire is a monthly event that alternates between Mulgore, Elwynn Forest, and Terokkar. Players recieve prize tickets when they turn in stacks of 5 Vibrant Plumes to Yebb Neblegear also players can receive Glowing Scorpid Blood as well.
These items are not necessarily to have as a low level player but are valuable to have as resell items. You the know the demand for them are going to rise so as long as you have a good supply you can make huge profits.
Where to get? Buy them up from the Auction House and store away. If it is close to the first Friday of the month, when the Faire occurs, store these up and turn around and resell them for a big profit when the Faire begins and their demand skyrockets.
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World of Warcraft Gold Making Tip - Rare Recipes

Vendors all over the World of Warcraft on both continents sell
crafting recipes. The thing is, most people don’t realize where these
recipes come from. Any time I am at a vendor and he has a high
level or limited supply recipe I purchase it and list it on the AH for
an increased price. These almost always sell for me. Some of my
favorites are:
• Mooncloth recipe that is sold at Everlook in Winterspring- I have
good luck selling this in Gadget at the AH for 4-10g.
• Most recipes sold in Moonglade. Moonglade is a high-level town
meaning that most people won’t be able to go there and purchase
from the vendors until lvl 55+. If you are a druid or create a druid
alt you will be able to go to Moonglade at around lvl 10. You can
buy the tailoring and other recipes there and resell them for a
• Mooncloth robe recipe from Dire Maul. In the library area of DM
there is an NPC that sells a limited recipe for the mooncloth robe.
It costs 4g and I have seen it sell for over 55g!
• There are many other rare recipes across the world and at most
trade vendors. Great places to look are in the Goblin/neutral
cities like Everlook and Booty Bay, also Ravenholdt Manor, and
any vendors you find in instanced dungeons. For example, the
Minor Recombobulator schematic is available in the entry of
Gnomeregan and always sells well for me at around 4g.
WoW Speed Leveling Tip - Make A Mule

When you are out questing or grinding and your backpack fills up, you will mail everything to your mule. (Except for items you would usually vendor, just vendor those.)
You can leave everything in the mailbox (this is what I do). This way when you need something like extra cloth for bandages, you simply log onto your mule character, open the mail and hit “Return” it send it back to your main character INSTANTLY! Don't worry about forgetting about items in the mailbox, if the timer runs out, it will automatically send it back to your main character.
Use your mule to buy and sell everything on the Auction House and to refill your main with any goods he might need. Try using Ctmod's Mail Mod to make this quicker. Get more exclusive insider WoW speed leveling tips from the Warcraft Pros
Gathering Profession Gold Farming Tip for Mining

For Iron, I head over to Arathi Highlands. That zone is loaded with it and you will also find some Mithril while you are there. Also, you will want to head over to the Drywhisker Cave next to Hammerfall in the Northeast. This cave has a lot of Lesser Bloodstone which is needed for the Favor for Krazek quest, which is given by Krazek in Booty Bay. You can sell stacks of these for a few gold at the Auction House or in Booty Bay where the quest is given.
Another ore needed for a quest is Incendicite Ore which can be found in the cave just north of Dun Algaz in the Wetlands. This ore is needed for the Search for Incendicite quest given by Pilot Stonegear in Dun Morogh so you should try to sell through Trade Channel there or at the Auction House.
One of the best places to find Mithril and Truesilver is by making passes in the Blasted Lands,
Searing Gorge, and Tanaris. The Charred Vale in Stonetalon Mountains is also good for a quick run to get some Mithril while being able to find some Gold and Truesilver.
Now for the real money maker... Thorium ! Not only does Thorium by itself sell very well (About 10 Gold per stack), you can also find Arcane Crystals in these veins. These things have a decent drop rate and can sell between 12 and 15 Gold a piece at the Auction House. If you don't do anything else to make gold but sell the Thorium and Arcane Crystals you find, you will be just fine.
Now where are the best spots to get this you ask? The 3 best spots to find these veins are in the Burning Steppes , Eastern Plaguelands , and Winterspring . These places are loaded. If those areas are being hit by too many people, you can also find some more Thorium veins over in Un'Goro. Making runs in these areas can make you well over 50 Gold per hour! Be sure to make use of the Gatherer UI Mod to help you locate these veins. The faster you can locate the veins, the faster you can you can make money.
Are you a Warcraft Millionaire? Find out how to be one here!
Drak'Tharon Keep Loot Tables Confirmed

Drak’Tharon Keep is best known as the place where Arthas stayed when he was searching for the Runeblade Frostmourne. This is where Mal’ganis told Arthas of his upcoming death. In recent years, the Undead Drakkari Trolls have started coming out of the cave and turned their eyes toward the Grizzlemaw Furbolgs. The Keep is swarming with undead trolls and dinosaurs along with the king of those dinosaurs, King Dred and many other kinds of lizards.
The following loot has been confirmed to drop from the bosses in Drak’Tharon Keep
- Troll Butcherer (2-Hand Sword)
- Summoner's Stone Gavel (Mace)
- Staff of the Great Reptile (Staff)
- Tharon'ja's Aegis (Shield)
- Muradin's Lost Greaves (Plate)
- Brighthelm of Guarding (Plate)
- nfection Resistant Legguards (Mail)
- Darkweb Bindings (Mail)
- Helmet of Living Flesh (Mail)
- Berserker's Horns (Leather)
- Scabrous-Hide Helm (Leather)
- Scytheclaw Boots (Leather)
- Robes of Novos (Cloth)
- Stable Master's Breechers (Cloth)
- Crystal Pendant of Warding (Neck)
Best Hunter Talents Build for WOTLK

Many of the elite players have mastered and put together their own WOTLK Hunter talent build and most versions work well, however it is important to start with a great base build so you can tweak it to your tastes and skill level. For mid range players that haven't completely leveled yet it is a good idea to put your Hunter talent points in Beast Mastery.
If you are looking for better survivability and a very basic WOTLK Hunter talent build then go with a 57/14/0 set up. This works great for conducting instances as well as farming. Using this build requires Catlike Reflexes, Thick Hide, and Endurance Training. All of which are geared towards your character's survivability on the battlefield.
If you are looking for the absolute best WOTLK Hunter talent build then you may be looking for a long time just one definitive answer. This is because there is no set standard for what will work for everyone. Just stick to basic foundation build and tweak from there by finding out what works best for you. You can actually learn a lot for yourself just by playing with the numbers.
Tweaking your build to best fit you will prove very beneficial and before long you will be able to out-DPS just about anyone in your party. This does all depend on your exact goal and the plan you have for you character. Do not be afraid of messing around a bit with those numbers for different instances and quests and you may find that you might use something completely different when going solo.
Only the best Exlusive Insider WOTLK Information can be found at Warcraft Pros!
Ingvar the Plunderer

- Staggering Roar – Hits you with 2800 damage to all enemies within 60 yards, interrupting all casts for 6 seconds.
- Smash – Deals 22,500 phsyical damage to all dnemies within 10 yards cone of the caster with a 3 second casting time.
- Enrage – Buff for Ingvar that boosts his attack speed by 5% and his size by 5% per cast with stackability to 50.
- Cleave – 150% of normal melee damage to any enemy and nearest ally.
- After you kill Ingvar the first time, he will be resurrected by Annhylde the Caller and have the following abilities:
- Dreadful Roar – Deals up to 3900 Shadow Damage to all enemies within 60 yards and interrupts all casts for 8 seconds. It also increases shadow damage taken by enemies by 5% with stackability to 40.
- Woe Strike – Deals 200% normal melee damage and the debuff Woe Strike which will cause the healer of any party member with this debuff 1600 Shadow Damage.
When you first see Ingvar, he will be talking to two other Vyrkul, but once you aggro him, the two fly away and never return, so you can ignore them. You want to tank him at the end of the platform if possible with all casters standing as far away from him as possible. The most devastating abilities he has have long casting times so you can get away from him, but you need to beware o Enrage in Phase 1 due to the stacking ability of the spell.
The key here is to maintain range, get away when he prepares to cast his biggest attacks and never pull aggro due to the potential for Cleave or Smash. Watch the casting bar closely and make sure to have a curse remover in the party for this fight as well.
Source: WOTLK Insider Secrets
Skarvald /Dalronn

This is a two boss combo encounter with Skarvald using Charge, a initiating attack that stuns the enemy for 2 seconds with a 35% damage impact and Stone Strike, an ability that inflicts 100% normal weapon damage and knocks the enemy back. Dalronn has Debilitate which lowers melee attack, casting, movement and ranged attack speeds by 50% while dealing 750 Shadow Damage every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. Additionally, Dalroon has Shadowbolt which deals 3300 Shadow Damage to one enemy.
Tank them both after they are pulled near the ramp where you will first see them. Skarvald will charge a lot and Dalronn will drop aggro often to cast Shadowbolt. You can choose to kill them together or separately – it doesn’t really matter. When one boss dies though, the other creates a spirit of the dead one that will continue to attack you and cannot be defeated. So, it is best to kill them both as close together as possible.
Source: WOTLK Insider Secrets
The Prince Keleseth Encounter - Utgarde Keep

Prince Keleseth is the first encounter in Utgarde Keep and will have a Shadowbolt ability that hurls a bolt of dark magic at a single enemy inflicting large amounts of Shadow Damage. Additionally, he has a Frost Tomb ability that locks enemies within a block of ice with 400 Frost Damage every second for 20 seconds.
Additionally, there will be 4 Vykrul Skeleton adds in the fight which each have a Decrepify ability that reduces your strength by 100 and slows your movement by 30%.
The best strategy against Keleseth is to pull all four of the Vykrul first and kill them – they are no more special than the other Vykrul located in the instance and should be a relatively easy kill for your group. When the prince engages, put the tank on him and start the DPS process.
He will cast Frost Tomb occasionally on party members including the tank which will freeze them for 20 seconds and deal 8000 damage over time. Use Ice Block or Divine Shield to remove it. Four more Vykrul Skeletons will add mid-way through the fight. Just kill them quickly to avoid their ability. Keep them together to kill as Keleseth will resurrect them repeatedly.
Source: WOTLK Insider Secrets
Confirmed Drops in Utgarde Keep
- Ingvar's Monolithic Cleaver (2-Hand Axe)
- Keleseth's Blade of Evocation (Dagger)
- Arm Blade of Augelmir (Fist Weapon)
- Chestplate of the Northern Lights (Plate)
- Overlaid Chain Spaulders (Mail)
- Dragon Stabler's Gauntlets (Mail)
- Holistic Patchwork Breeches (Leather)
- Skarvald's Dragonskin Habergeon (Leather)
- Vrykul Shackles (Leather)
- Reinforced Velvet Helm (Cloth)
- Skein Woven Mantle (Cloth)
The WoW Pros finally break there silence. Read More!
Disenchanted Items To Make Some Fast WoW Gold

So, head to your local AH and check the
price of green lenses and large radiant shards.
If the shards are selling for more than the lenses then buy the lenses and disenchant them and sell the shards for a profit. If enchanting is not one of your professions then start a lvl 5 alternate character that is a gnome or dwarf and run him/her to Ironforge or an orc or troll and run them to Org and learn enchanting.
From this point on this
character can be your “mule” to disenchant items. Unfortunately in
a recent patch, you must be an appropriate skill level in enchanting
to DE items of higher level. Meaning you can no longer do this
without leveling up the character.
WoW patch 3.1 - Summary of some Buzz on the Web

Ulduar Raid Instance
Looking for areal challenge? Well Blizzard is bringing it very soon to a server near you with patch 3.1, in the form of the Ulduar raid instance. Boss fights anyone? Expect your fair share and you get them for 10 and 25 person raids. In the normal or hard flavors. What's even better? How about all new loot that includes the Tier 8 class sets. Nice huh?
New Mounts
3.1 WoW patch will provide more mounts. Here is an abbreviated overview.
The most anticipated mount may be the Sea Turtle mount. This is a very rare item and you can only get it by fishing in Northrend. This mount has gone through an extreme make-over to set it apart from the reward mount of the WoW trading card game.
In the upcoming Argent Tournament you can expect to find a set of mounts. These will be in line with there own starting areas. You will be able to spend and collect Champion's Seals to receive mounts such as the Turbostrider or the Swift Orgrimmar Wolf. You may notice that these mounts are the same as the classic mounts you get from town vendors. The only difference being a new color palette.
New Pets in 3.1
A few pets will be added with most of them coming the Argent Tournament and a few were added for holiday events. The good news about the Argent Tournament pets is that all the pets you can buy for 40 x Champion's Seal (Sen'jin Fetish, Elwynn Lamb, etc ...) are NOT bind on pick up, which means that you will be able to sell them at the AH and get the pets from the other faction at the neutral AH as well. Here are some screen-shots.
Dual Spec
When dual talent specializations (Dual Spec) were revealed in the upcoming World of Warcraft 3.1 patch, Blizzard had some pretty stringent rules in place. Players had to be level 80 to access the ability and also needed to be near a Lexicon of Power (found in various capital cities) to even switch specializations. But Eurogamer as discovered that things have changed!
Now, the required level is 40 and training costs 1000 gold -- which is easy for someone to do if they've got a character in Northrend. Also, players can proceed to switch talents anywhere they like, so long as they're not in battle, a PvP Arena or Battleground. The talent switch will take 5 seconds and reset class resources to zero. In addition to these changes, a one-click equipment manager will also been added to streamline switching from one build to another.
Ready for 3.1? WOTLK Gold Farming Tips To Score That Extra Gold for Dual Spec
The only trick is knowing exactly where to start and make sure you are getting it done right at the very beginning so you can maximize your profits. Do not worry if you have already been playing for a while and are struggling because these tips will work for everyone trying to get ahead.
Here are some key areas that you need to master in order to form a great WOTLK gold farming foundation. Just like finances in real life, World of Warcraft is not much different and not much changed, except prices of stuff, in Wrath of the Lich King. In order to build substantial wealth you must form a solid foundation. Once you get this ball rolling it is hard to stop. So stick to the basics and use these five WOTLK gold farming tips to their maximum potential.
Kill Blood Elves
In Azshara you can go about making some great profits in two ways. One is riskier than the other but are a great source for much gold. The least risky way is to kill the blood elves. They are always good for dropping loot and rune cloth. You can always turn a decent profit in the Auction House with the cloth.
The slightly more risky but much more rewarding way is grinding the demons. They will prove time and time again they are one of the best resources for a good War of Warcraft gold farming strategy. They drop a lot of gold and you can often score epic items from these little cash machines.
Zombies in the Eastern Plaguelands
This may not be much of a secret anymore but it is still a great WOTLK gold farming tip. In the Eastern Plaguelands you will find a good amount of zombies. The zombies are not hard to kill and will drop a bunch of gold as well as some rare items.
Dire Maul Tribute
For this tip it is a good idea to do it in a group. You can head out to Dire Maul Tribute for a great World of Warcraft gold farming spot. Actually this is getting to be pretty popular. So much that you can actually find guides on the internet just for doing runs out to Dire Maul Tribute. It's a pretty tough place but yields excellent gold and other goodies.
Disenchant Items in Uldaman
Last but not least is Uldaman. This is where you can disenchant items and really make a lot of profit. The way you go about it is go to Uldaman then find Dig Three. There you will find Galgann Firehammer. Defeat him and you will be rewarded with some great items that you can easily disenchant and turn a huge profit fast!
Keep in mind that these World of Warcraft WOTLK gold farming tips are you staples to making a lot of gold. You can always count on these five strategies for turning some fast Warcraft gold.
Learn WOTLK gold farming tips that can make you a Warcraft Millionaire. Learn exactly how the elite World of Warcraft Players make massive amounts of gold withouth getting banned. Visit http://www.squidoo.com/expert-warcraft-millionaire-guide-review to learn how to become a Warcraft Millionaire.
Learn the safest places to buy cheap WoW gold.
Big Gold from Fiery Enchant and Quest Rewards

Insider Tip From Warcraft Millionaire Brad Johnson.
For a long time I recommended people to grab the fiery enchant
reward from a quest in the Badlands and resell it for anywhere from
10-30g. Well, it finally happened- the item is soulbound now!
The good news is that I've found another reward from a Badlands
quest that sells for just as much and sometimes more.
If an engineer wants the schematic for Flash bombs there are only
two ways that he can get it. The first is a very drop of the schematic
from Gnomeregan (it's about a .02% chance). The second is as a
guaranteed quest reward from the “Pearl Diving” quest in the
Badlands. The quest comes from Rigglefuzz who asks you to get 9
blue pearls for him from the Vile Reef. After delivering them you
will get a schematic for the Flash Bomb.
This reward is not soulbound and will sell for anywhere between
20-30g. I always walk into the Badlands and offer to buy these off
those doing the quest there. I also check the AH for them regularly
because most people don't know how valuable they are and sell
them for a gold or less! I just buy it and re-list for the appropriate
And while you are looking for blue pearls for the above quest it
doesn't hurt to grab a few extras. They are needed for the Flash
Bomb recipe and sell quite well on the AH as well. It's best to sell
them in stacks of appropriate size for the quest.
Read an Expert Warcraft Millionaire Review
Note: This Warcraft tip comes from insider sources from the Warcraft Millionaire membership site. Only the most secret and up to date information is available for Warcraft Millionaire Members. Find out how you can become a member here.
WoW Gold Tip - First Aid and Fishing

Arathi) hang a right at the entrance and once inside the “safe” area
make another right across the bridge. You’ll find an NPC named
Deneb Walker.
He sells the First Aid books that allow you to
increase your level as well as learn improved bandage styles.
Horde can head out to Brackenwall Village in Dustwallow Marsh.
You'll find the NPC Balai Lok'wein. She sells the First Aid books for
the Horde.
You can purchase these for 1g or under and resell them on the AH
for at least twice as much. On my server there are quite a few people
who have figured this out, but it doesn’t really matter because I still
sell them all the time!
Also, you can buy the expert fishing book called Expert Fishing –
The Bass and You from the fishing trainer in Booty Bay. These sell for
1g from the vendor and sell on the AH for 2-5g.
Can You Make 1000 gold per day? Click Here to learn how
WOTLK Tip- Understanding the Spell Power Stat

Along with the 3.0.2 WOTLK patch was that Blizzard combined Spell Damage and Healing all into single stat called Spell Power. This was done because it will allow Blizzard to maintain loot tables because it reduces the amount of items that are needed.
This also means that casters that are "specced" for damage are able to boost healing more and dedicated healer can inflict more damage when they are not casting a heal. This makes all casters more versatile during a battle.
Stats for haste rating, hit rating, and critical rating are tied to melee and spells. This reduces the number of the stat modifiers which is for easing things more than anything. The overall effect is the amount of gear on an epic instance boss's loot table is cut down substantially. This cuts out the super specialized gear that no one ends up wanting.
It does however create a bit more competition between dps and healing casters as they will regularly be rolling for the same items.
Click Here to learn the most powerful secrets in WOTLK from an actual insider!
Old School Tips for Warcraft - Grinding Gnomermegan Solo

Look for the room in Gnomermegan where can find the Healer Holdout Medics. They are the ones that will heal you as you attack the mobs. You will find it rather easy to run out and pull a mob of 3 then bring them back, the healers with then automatically heal you.
The mob that you pull usually range from level 25 to level 30 elite mobs. If you are at level 33 you can expect to gain anywhere from 260 to 400 experience per kill. Also you can get around 4-5 gold on each run. All this can be done around an hour or so and maybe even less as you get proficient.
Don't worry if you are a lower level, just about all classes at just about any level can do this. However, you must have a Rogue's stealth in order to get into the room solo. Another class shouldn't have much trouble finding a group to drop them off once you have arrived at the room.
Here is what you do:
Direction's: You first enter Gnomermegan and follow the hall until you get to the elevator. Take it down to the bottom and continue down the hall until you get to the Train Depot and take a left.
Follow this hall until you come to the instance portal and go in, once in the other side follow this to the end and and go left to the hall of gears. Now follow this hall, then go to the second big entrance and take another left. When in this hallway it will say you are in the Dormitory and then the clean room.
To save some time, there is a wall you can jump over and land into the clean room. The drop is about 500 dmg so do it with full health.(This is also the room were you turn in the Grime-Encrusted tokens). When you are in this room look around and you will see the npc's.
I use the 3 that are to the right of the entrance when looking out. What I do is just run out and pull a mob and run back and stand in the center of the npc's and they will heal you. Hope this helps!
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WoW Gold Tip - Sell Rare Pets

As in real life, WoW players love pets and a lot of it has to do with it being some sort of status symbol. In World of Warcraft there characters can show a high degree of dominance by have cross-faction pets. Meaning a Horde character can show off a pet from the Alliance and the other way around.
It is possible to see a gnome with his prairie dog or even a big tauren and their white kitten. Your Warcraft gold tip here is you can some nice profits selling, I stress NICE PROFITS, if you buy pets of the non-combat variety.
Some pets to consider are cats, snakes, owls and so forth. You start buy listing them in Gadgetzan/ neutral auction house. You can generally sell them for 3-5 gold and it is easy to sell bunches of them.
Another way of going about it is to find someone from the other faction and get them to be your supplier. You can also create an alt on a PvE server and start supplying yourself with pets and start selling them at your home auction house. In most cases this will bring in a lot more wow gold.
Anothe way of making some easy wow gold this way is by getting your "supplier" to list an item at the neutral auction house for very little gold. Next you then take it and relist it on your home autcion house, this should land you some nice sums of gold. Get more gold tips like this here
No time For Books? - Level with an In-Game Guide!
That is exactly what an in-game World of Warcraft leveling guide does. You do not have to worry about pausing your game or tabbing out to see what to do next. An in-game guide is just that it allows you to keep playing and follow the guide at the same time. It is like a TomTom that shows you every move you make as you play the game. How cool is that.
Below is a video of how it works. This is Zygor's in-game guide and it is one of the most popular in-game guides and they claim to get you from level 1-80 in under 7 days!
Pretty amazing huh? If you are considering getting a guide to help you level faster, you may want to consider an in-game guide like Zygor's.
Basic Rules For Power Leveling in World of Warcraft

Many methods and strategies change over the years in World of Warcraft. However, some things hold true and have been tried and tested over time. There are no really big secrets to power leveling but there are some tips that will always work. Here are seven tips or "basic rules" of power leveling that will never expire.
1) Take on many quests and avoid doing only one quest at any given time. Also avoid the common mistake of killing things off in a new area right away. First find all the quests from the NPC's then let the bludgeoning begin.
2) Utilizing a group of 2 or 3 (like tank + healer) is much better than going solo. If a quest needs you to kill X amount then it is best to use groups. Leave a group if it slows you down too much.
3) Playing Multi-Zone games is an ofter overlooked tactic. Once you get to level 10 or so, get yourself to the nearest "other" starting area and start doing the quests there. You will be able to do them fast, and achieve EXP for all the kills. Just be sure they are the green to you. Piling on a bunch of quests that are 3 to 5 levels under you will enable you to make EXP fast.
4) Keep in mind that green quests can be your best friend. Quests that are 2 to 3 levels under you are the green ones. You may get a bunch of yellow quests, if so just level grind 2 to 3 levels, power through the quests solo. The bottom line is: Getting killed more than once is a waste of time it is much better to grind a level and do it later.
5) It may be very tempting to hold on for dear life but dumping some quests are o.k. If there are quests still in your book for a few days you may want to hold on to them, just get them done. If a quest has you running all over to see several people and it seems like this may take multiple hours to finish you may want to dump that one. You can count on the fact that there are thousands more quests for you to do.
6) Despite recent beliefs, level grinding still works very well. This means killing monsters that are green to you. This means you can kill them extremely fast and suffer little down time. You should be able to roll through hundreds of the con-green enemies in a matter of minutes. This may be boring but if you just a little time doing this you will be well rewarded.
7) You need to decide which you are going for, power or wealth, maybe even both. However you must decide prior to choosing your profession. You must decide how long it will take to master a profession and it's worth it to you. When picking a profession, keep in mind you don't want it to be a burden later in the game.