Insider Tip From Warcraft Millionaire Brad Johnson.
For a long time I recommended people to grab the fiery enchant
reward from a quest in the Badlands and resell it for anywhere from
10-30g. Well, it finally happened- the item is soulbound now!
The good news is that I've found another reward from a Badlands
quest that sells for just as much and sometimes more.
If an engineer wants the schematic for Flash bombs there are only
two ways that he can get it. The first is a very drop of the schematic
from Gnomeregan (it's about a .02% chance). The second is as a
guaranteed quest reward from the “Pearl Diving” quest in the
Badlands. The quest comes from Rigglefuzz who asks you to get 9
blue pearls for him from the Vile Reef. After delivering them you
will get a schematic for the Flash Bomb.
This reward is not soulbound and will sell for anywhere between
20-30g. I always walk into the Badlands and offer to buy these off
those doing the quest there. I also check the AH for them regularly
because most people don't know how valuable they are and sell
them for a gold or less! I just buy it and re-list for the appropriate
And while you are looking for blue pearls for the above quest it
doesn't hurt to grab a few extras. They are needed for the Flash
Bomb recipe and sell quite well on the AH as well. It's best to sell
them in stacks of appropriate size for the quest.
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Note: This Warcraft tip comes from insider sources from the Warcraft Millionaire membership site. Only the most secret and up to date information is available for Warcraft Millionaire Members. Find out how you can become a member here.
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