
Ready for 3.1? WOTLK Gold Farming Tips To Score That Extra Gold for Dual Spec

To succeed and be among the elite you must first master the art of WoW WOTLK gold farming. You also need to stay up to date on the new changes in patch 3.1. Once you have learned the secrets to gold farming and mastered the basic skills and strategies then getting your own mount or special enchant is easy and in this case the new Dual Spec. Just being able to concentrate on all the other aspects of your game and let your gold situation take care of itself is letting go of a huge burden.

The only trick is knowing exactly where to start and make sure you are getting it done right at the very beginning so you can maximize your profits. Do not worry if you have already been playing for a while and are struggling because these tips will work for everyone trying to get ahead.

Here are some key areas that you need to master in order to form a great WOTLK gold farming foundation. Just like finances in real life, World of Warcraft is not much different and not much changed, except prices of stuff, in Wrath of the Lich King. In order to build substantial wealth you must form a solid foundation. Once you get this ball rolling it is hard to stop. So stick to the basics and use these five WOTLK gold farming tips to their maximum potential.

Kill Blood Elves
In Azshara you can go about making some great profits in two ways. One is riskier than the other but are a great source for much gold. The least risky way is to kill the blood elves. They are always good for dropping loot and rune cloth. You can always turn a decent profit in the Auction House with the cloth.

The slightly more risky but much more rewarding way is grinding the demons. They will prove time and time again they are one of the best resources for a good War of Warcraft gold farming strategy. They drop a lot of gold and you can often score epic items from these little cash machines.

Zombies in the Eastern Plaguelands
This may not be much of a secret anymore but it is still a great WOTLK gold farming tip. In the Eastern Plaguelands you will find a good amount of zombies. The zombies are not hard to kill and will drop a bunch of gold as well as some rare items.

Dire Maul Tribute
For this tip it is a good idea to do it in a group. You can head out to Dire Maul Tribute for a great World of Warcraft gold farming spot. Actually this is getting to be pretty popular. So much that you can actually find guides on the internet just for doing runs out to Dire Maul Tribute. It's a pretty tough place but yields excellent gold and other goodies.

Disenchant Items in Uldaman
Last but not least is Uldaman. This is where you can disenchant items and really make a lot of profit. The way you go about it is go to Uldaman then find Dig Three. There you will find Galgann Firehammer. Defeat him and you will be rewarded with some great items that you can easily disenchant and turn a huge profit fast!

Keep in mind that these World of Warcraft WOTLK gold farming tips are you staples to making a lot of gold. You can always count on these five strategies for turning some fast Warcraft gold.

Learn WOTLK gold farming tips that can make you a Warcraft Millionaire. Learn exactly how the elite World of Warcraft Players make massive amounts of gold withouth getting banned. Visit http://www.squidoo.com/expert-warcraft-millionaire-guide-review to learn how to become a Warcraft Millionaire.

Learn the safest places to buy cheap WoW gold.

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