This is a two boss combo encounter with Skarvald using Charge, a initiating attack that stuns the enemy for 2 seconds with a 35% damage impact and Stone Strike, an ability that inflicts 100% normal weapon damage and knocks the enemy back. Dalronn has Debilitate which lowers melee attack, casting, movement and ranged attack speeds by 50% while dealing 750 Shadow Damage every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. Additionally, Dalroon has Shadowbolt which deals 3300 Shadow Damage to one enemy.
Tank them both after they are pulled near the ramp where you will first see them. Skarvald will charge a lot and Dalronn will drop aggro often to cast Shadowbolt. You can choose to kill them together or separately – it doesn’t really matter. When one boss dies though, the other creates a spirit of the dead one that will continue to attack you and cannot be defeated. So, it is best to kill them both as close together as possible.
Source: WOTLK Insider Secrets
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