Arathi) hang a right at the entrance and once inside the “safe” area
make another right across the bridge. You’ll find an NPC named
Deneb Walker.
He sells the First Aid books that allow you to
increase your level as well as learn improved bandage styles.
Horde can head out to Brackenwall Village in Dustwallow Marsh.
You'll find the NPC Balai Lok'wein. She sells the First Aid books for
the Horde.
You can purchase these for 1g or under and resell them on the AH
for at least twice as much. On my server there are quite a few people
who have figured this out, but it doesn’t really matter because I still
sell them all the time!
Also, you can buy the expert fishing book called Expert Fishing –
The Bass and You from the fishing trainer in Booty Bay. These sell for
1g from the vendor and sell on the AH for 2-5g.
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