Ulduar Raid Instance
Looking for areal challenge? Well Blizzard is bringing it very soon to a server near you with patch 3.1, in the form of the Ulduar raid instance. Boss fights anyone? Expect your fair share and you get them for 10 and 25 person raids. In the normal or hard flavors. What's even better? How about all new loot that includes the Tier 8 class sets. Nice huh?
New Mounts
3.1 WoW patch will provide more mounts. Here is an abbreviated overview.
The most anticipated mount may be the Sea Turtle mount. This is a very rare item and you can only get it by fishing in Northrend. This mount has gone through an extreme make-over to set it apart from the reward mount of the WoW trading card game.
In the upcoming Argent Tournament you can expect to find a set of mounts. These will be in line with there own starting areas. You will be able to spend and collect Champion's Seals to receive mounts such as the Turbostrider or the Swift Orgrimmar Wolf. You may notice that these mounts are the same as the classic mounts you get from town vendors. The only difference being a new color palette.
New Pets in 3.1
A few pets will be added with most of them coming the Argent Tournament and a few were added for holiday events. The good news about the Argent Tournament pets is that all the pets you can buy for 40 x Champion's Seal (Sen'jin Fetish, Elwynn Lamb, etc ...) are NOT bind on pick up, which means that you will be able to sell them at the AH and get the pets from the other faction at the neutral AH as well. Here are some screen-shots.
Dual Spec
When dual talent specializations (Dual Spec) were revealed in the upcoming World of Warcraft 3.1 patch, Blizzard had some pretty stringent rules in place. Players had to be level 80 to access the ability and also needed to be near a Lexicon of Power (found in various capital cities) to even switch specializations. But Eurogamer as discovered that things have changed!
Now, the required level is 40 and training costs 1000 gold -- which is easy for someone to do if they've got a character in Northrend. Also, players can proceed to switch talents anywhere they like, so long as they're not in battle, a PvP Arena or Battleground. The talent switch will take 5 seconds and reset class resources to zero. In addition to these changes, a one-click equipment manager will also been added to streamline switching from one build to another.
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