Vendors all over the World of Warcraft on both continents sell
crafting recipes. The thing is, most people don’t realize where these
recipes come from. Any time I am at a vendor and he has a high
level or limited supply recipe I purchase it and list it on the AH for
an increased price. These almost always sell for me. Some of my
favorites are:
• Mooncloth recipe that is sold at Everlook in Winterspring- I have
good luck selling this in Gadget at the AH for 4-10g.
• Most recipes sold in Moonglade. Moonglade is a high-level town
meaning that most people won’t be able to go there and purchase
from the vendors until lvl 55+. If you are a druid or create a druid
alt you will be able to go to Moonglade at around lvl 10. You can
buy the tailoring and other recipes there and resell them for a
• Mooncloth robe recipe from Dire Maul. In the library area of DM
there is an NPC that sells a limited recipe for the mooncloth robe.
It costs 4g and I have seen it sell for over 55g!
• There are many other rare recipes across the world and at most
trade vendors. Great places to look are in the Goblin/neutral
cities like Everlook and Booty Bay, also Ravenholdt Manor, and
any vendors you find in instanced dungeons. For example, the
Minor Recombobulator schematic is available in the entry of
Gnomeregan and always sells well for me at around 4g.
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