1. Avoid drowning:
Okay, so you know when you are in very deep water and that fatigue meter comes up, right?
Well if you dont want it to go down and you to drown then... find a landmass and ram your head
straight into it. The fatigue meter will dissapear and you will be okay for the next few seconds.
2. Boost Mining Skills Quickly:
As you know at some points mining gets kinda annoying tryin to get your level high enough to
mine the good stuff. Theres a pretty easy way to get some fast mining xp. Theres a cave in NE
arathi highlands filled with kobolds and such. Also there is a quest from booty bay which
involves mining lesser bloodstone ores from the mines.
These things require 100 mining skill but
they actually give you xp for mining them!. There is about 4-5 lesser bloodstone deposits in the
cave and they respawn every 10 minutes i believe. I went in there at about 150 mining skill and
mined till my skill was 175 so i could start getting mithril which sells for a great amount. Its
probably possible to go even higher in mining from the lesser bloodstone ores.
Then after i had all that bloodstone ore i went back to booty bay and sold the ore to lazy people(or people who
couldnt mine)for 30-50s each. Great way to make some cash and level up your mining without
having to run around lookin for mines
3. Break Stealth or Vanish with Engineering:
If you happen to get jumped by a Rogue and he runs off mid-fight to vanish and regroup/heal,
simply summon a Gnomish Battle Chicken(230 Engineering) - it will automatically find him,
stealth or not. For some reason the Chicken ignores stealth, and goes after your attacker.
4. Cooks and Blacksmiths Tip:
For all you wannabe cooks and blacksmiths out there, here's a little trick you may not know!
In most towns/inns you'll come across those seemingly pointless bedrooms with the nice beds,
large mounted pighead on the wall and cozy fire.
Well guess what? That fire can be used as a forge or a fire to cook your food! So stop wasting
money on wood and striking up your flint. Just head into an inn or random home and look for a
fireplace. Cuts down on the costs of crafting by a decent amount! Saving 50 copper each
crafting session may not seem like a ton of cash, but over time it certainly adds up!
5. Desolace - Max Ranged Attack Easily:
The bug where you can shoot mobs that cant fight back where you dont get any range weapon
skill is not fixed!!
While I was down in Desolace today with my warrior and tried to pull a Satyr from the top of a
ruin that was towards the western mountain range, I was surprise to see that I kept missing but
my skills continued to rise.
So if you wanna go max out a new range weapon, head on over to Desolace and cap it out.
Didnt take me long to cap out my gun this way.

Okay, so you know when you are in very deep water and that fatigue meter comes up, right?
Well if you dont want it to go down and you to drown then... find a landmass and ram your head
straight into it. The fatigue meter will dissapear and you will be okay for the next few seconds.
2. Boost Mining Skills Quickly:
As you know at some points mining gets kinda annoying tryin to get your level high enough to
mine the good stuff. Theres a pretty easy way to get some fast mining xp. Theres a cave in NE
arathi highlands filled with kobolds and such. Also there is a quest from booty bay which
involves mining lesser bloodstone ores from the mines.
These things require 100 mining skill but
they actually give you xp for mining them!. There is about 4-5 lesser bloodstone deposits in the
cave and they respawn every 10 minutes i believe. I went in there at about 150 mining skill and
mined till my skill was 175 so i could start getting mithril which sells for a great amount. Its
probably possible to go even higher in mining from the lesser bloodstone ores.
Then after i had all that bloodstone ore i went back to booty bay and sold the ore to lazy people(or people who
couldnt mine)for 30-50s each. Great way to make some cash and level up your mining without
having to run around lookin for mines
3. Break Stealth or Vanish with Engineering:
If you happen to get jumped by a Rogue and he runs off mid-fight to vanish and regroup/heal,
simply summon a Gnomish Battle Chicken(230 Engineering) - it will automatically find him,
stealth or not. For some reason the Chicken ignores stealth, and goes after your attacker.
4. Cooks and Blacksmiths Tip:
For all you wannabe cooks and blacksmiths out there, here's a little trick you may not know!
In most towns/inns you'll come across those seemingly pointless bedrooms with the nice beds,
large mounted pighead on the wall and cozy fire.
Well guess what? That fire can be used as a forge or a fire to cook your food! So stop wasting
money on wood and striking up your flint. Just head into an inn or random home and look for a
fireplace. Cuts down on the costs of crafting by a decent amount! Saving 50 copper each
crafting session may not seem like a ton of cash, but over time it certainly adds up!
5. Desolace - Max Ranged Attack Easily:
The bug where you can shoot mobs that cant fight back where you dont get any range weapon
skill is not fixed!!
While I was down in Desolace today with my warrior and tried to pull a Satyr from the top of a
ruin that was towards the western mountain range, I was surprise to see that I kept missing but
my skills continued to rise.
So if you wanna go max out a new range weapon, head on over to Desolace and cap it out.
Didnt take me long to cap out my gun this way.